Buisness In the 1900’s – On A Women’s Point of View


I wonder what it was like to work as a women back in the 1900’s.. Here are some of the first female business women:


1.Susan Brownell Anthony:

Founded the National Woman’s Suffrage Association in 1869



2. Ida B. Wells Barnett

Wells became an editor and co-owner of a local black newspaper called “The Free Speech and Headlight.”



3.Clara Barton

-Founded her own school

-Opened a free school in New Jersey

-First time a woman had received a substantial clerkship in the federal government.

Check out more interesting and successful women at:


Here Let me know your thoughts!


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10 thoughts on “Buisness In the 1900’s – On A Women’s Point of View”

  1. These are wonderful choices. I barely knew anything about Ida Barnett before. I think Clara Barton’s main achievements in life came after she gave up business for service work (founding and growing the Red Cross), but her organizational discipline must have come from her previous business experience.

    1. You absolutely right is was her main achievement! I forgot to mention that.

      Barmett is quite amazing I find – being an African woman she managed to achieve such an outstanding position!

      Thanks for reading Mikey!


  2. it must have been bloody difficult for them – what an inspirational group they are. going back a little further, one of my all-time heroines is Ada Lovelace, now recognised as a computer pioneer (although at the time her male work partner got all the credit of course!)

    1. Hi Zskdorset!

      I checked her out and I must say she’s very interesting isn’t she? She was right about the future of computers we came a long way! It’s unfortunate she died so young!

      Thanks for reading!

  3. yeah. it must have been difficult, you know, technology was kinda not advanced then.. and i know it will really affect them in their work. nice post!

  4. In the UK around 1910 women could attend university but could only attend lectures with permission and were’nt allowed to take degrees. It’s no wonder they struggled to enter the professions and gain any kind of recognition when all the door where shut.

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